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Aim Hire: Come to Think of It

In this episode of Aim Hire, “Come to Think of It,” we get a glimpse into the many opportunities civilians play in scientific achievements and technological advancements. We meet three civilian professionals who are excited to share what they’re most excited about and describe the role civilians play in making them possible.

Suppose you’re currently a student, a recent graduate, or anyone interested in a position in STEM such as logistics, cybersecurity, data links, or artificial intelligence. In that case, this Aim Hire episode is for you.

Heath Holt, the Air Force Personnel Center (AFPC) Palace Acquire (PAQ) Internship Recruitment Manager, talks about the many job opportunities at 7:55 that AFCS will prioritize in the near future. Heath does an incredible job making it clear how exciting the future is for those interested in STEM fields.

At 13:54, Jennilee Covucci, AFCS Project Programmer, Joint Base Charleston, South Carolina, shares that STEM careers involve creativity, passion, and communication. Not just science, engineering, technology, and mathematics, but STEM is a field where anyone with the right skillset can thrive.

At 18:03, Jennilee shares how she juggles her work and personal life. With being in a high demanding career field such as STEM, Jennilee speaks about having an engaging work-life balance and that everyone understands the importance of personal time compared to working in the private sector.

Kaston Murrell, a Chemical and Materiels Leads Engineer, talks about leading a team of STEM professionals and what he looks for in an employee. He says that he wants people on his team who have a willingness to learn, someone who’s flexible, and someone who shows curiosity about being an engineer. Kaston also says that being curious about your field or profession is important because it helps you grow as an individual and gain knowledge. (34:42-36:56)

If you’re interested in a rewarding career, consider the Air Force. We have thousands of STEM jobs at Air Force Research Laboratories and operational test and evaluation facilities. You can find your next job here on our site or subscribe to get updates about our latest events and job announcements.